
Author: Matt Syverson, CFP®

Five smart strategies for year-end tax planning  October 11, 2021 by Matt Syverson, CFP®

Most of us grit our teeth through tax season...and then try to forget all about it until next April. As your friendly neighborhood wealth advisors, it’s our job to remind you that the annual h…

How to Choose Faith Over Financial FOMO  July 28, 2021 by Matt Syverson, CFP®

Over the past year and a half, we’ve all gone through a lot of disruption. Most of us have had many opportunities to ask ourselves: Is this really how we want to live? Periodically taking stock of …

Preparing for the Unprecedented: Thoughts on the Pandemic so far  July 15, 2020 by Matt Syverson, CFP®

As we enter a new phase of pandemic life (the coronavirus is still spreading while our communities try to balance reopening risks and rewards), I want to take a minute to reflect on how COVID-19 has …

How to “glamp” without breaking the bank  May 21, 2020 by Matt Syverson, CFP®

At Sound Stewardship, we’re always advocating for innovative ways to live within your means while enjoying a rewarding life. For many people, travel is an essential part of a full life, b…

It’s not too late to save on 2019’s taxes  May 13, 2020 by Matt Syverson, CFP®

The Coronavirus Crisis and the resulting CARES Act have created an unprecedented tax season. In addition to extended filing deadlines, several relief measures could directly affect your 2019 taxes. …