Creating Your Life Purpose Statement

Previously, we talked about the importance of having a life purpose statement. Now, we’ll discuss what a life purpose statement looks like, including a few key questions to ask yourself as you draft your statement.


First off, there’s no right or wrong method (or form) for your life purpose statement. It could take shape as a sentence, a paragraph, a word, an acronym, etc. The key is to make your statement meaningful to you. It should motivate you, propel you forward, and guide your decision-making process. Also keep in mind that it should focus on a way of being, not a way of doing. That means your vocation, hobby, passion, etc. is not your life purpose. Those things may help you fulfill your life purpose, but they are not the reason you exist.

Here are a few important questions to ask yourself as you consider your life purpose:

  1. What do I value in life above all else?
  2. What am I passionate about?
  3. What are my unique abilities?

For me personally, I value relationships above all else. As a Christian, my relationship with Christ comes first, then family, and then friends. I’m passionate about serving others. I find great satisfaction in seeing the lives of others improved as a result of my service to them. And finally, my unique abilities include being a good listener, being a problem solver, and being an encourager. Taking these things into consideration, my life purpose statement looks like this:

“To use my unique abilities as a listener, problem solver, and encourager to love and serve God and others and point people to Christ.” 

Just like every person has a unique fingerprint, your life will leave a unique fingerprint on the world. Your Life Purpose Statement is uniquely yours and is shaped by your values, worldview, passions, and unique abilities. Consider taking the time to discover your life purpose. Without a clear sense of where you’re going, how will you ever know how to get there or when you’ve arrived?

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