How to Win at Black Friday!

It is that time of year again. Black Friday is rapidly approaching. Many consider it the Super Bowl of shopping. Many teams (families) have been practicing all year for this day. We have all heard and seen the horror that can come with Black Friday. Think of the Royals World series parade in every Target or Walmart you come across. That is what we are up against! With that large task in mind here are some tips to handle and have a successful Black Friday.

  1. Have a game plan. You need to have a budget that you will stick by for the day…give yourself some room in the budget due to the spur of the moment purchases (We all have them).
  2. Wear unique bright colored clothes. Think of these as jersey’s that you will use to identify your shopping team.
  3. Come up with unique hand signals or use walkie talkie’s to communicate with. Your cell phone will be no match for the multitudes! If you were at the Royal’s parade you know what I mean.
  4. Map out the stores days before Black Friday. That way you get the feng shui of the store.
  5. Stretch before you embark on your journey for the day….also stretch once your day is over. You will put your body and mind through the ringer that day for the “bargains”.
  6. It may be late now but take a self defense class in the weeks leading up to Black Friday. Hopefully you will not have to use what you learned but having a karate chop in your back pocket may come in handy that day.
  7. Keep your head on a swivel.
  8. Have fun!
  9. Last but not least…. Don’t shop on Black Friday. Spend time with your family! (#OPTOUTSIDE) You can shop on Cyber Monday or Small Business Saturday!


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