Reflecting on Abundance During Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is usually a time to reflect on the past year and all the things we are thankful for. But what if we went deeper than that? What if our focus was not only on what we are thankful for, but where we are experiencing an abundance in our lives. To focus on the things that God has blessed us with above and beyond the usual provisions. This is going to look different for each person. For some, it could be a job offer that exceeded any dream you could have imagined. Others may have seen an abundance in their finances. Even God’s provision during a health crisis could show a place of abundance. Take two minutes to ask yourself “Where am I personally experiencing abundance in my life today?” The last couple years have been hard for many, but through it all we can still be thankful for not only the blessings, but the abundance that we have received.
From our family to yours, Sound Stewardship wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving!
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