The Power of Accountability
How often have you said you were going to do something and then not followed through on it? It happens all the time, right? Life happens. You get busy. You forget. You put things off because you just don’t want to do them. I’ve experienced this plenty in my own life on countless occasions.
After watching my waistline expand over the Holidays, I told my wife I’d commit to a healthy lifestyle of exercise and eating right. I intentionally put off getting started with this endeavor until well into the New Year so as not to make the commitment appear to be a New Year’s resolution. Right… It was easy to say I was going to do something, but much more difficult to get started and keep going. Thanks to my wife’s persistent nagging ( I say that lovingly and appreciatively), I’m finally making good on my commitment and I feel better than ever.
Proverbs 15:22 says, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed.” Part of the reason this holds true is that advisors not only help determine the right course of action, but also keep you accountable to actually following through. Do you have things in your financial life you’ve been meaning to do, but just haven’t been able to make a commitment to actually getting them done? This could include paying down debt, saving for college, planning for retirement, maximizing your charitable impact, etc. Consider how the power of accountability could help you get started and keep your momentum going.
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