To you, our Sound Stewardship family, Happy Thanksgiving!
As we ready ourselves for Thanksgiving, we can’t help but think about the joy that being with family brings. But we’re also very aware of a different type of family we’re thankful for: each and every one of you, our clients.
“Clients” is an inadequate word. You may not be blood relatives, but when you welcome us into your finances you welcome us into very personal spaces. You often share things with us that others do not know — whether parents, pastors, friends or siblings. This is not something we take for granted, and we count it a great privilege.
Specifically, we’re thankful for:
- Your loyalty when serving an aging parent
- Your compassion when giving for causes you care about
- Your bravery when working through difficult relationships
- Your commitment to pursue wise investments
- Your faithfulness when caring for a spouse who doesn’t realize what you’re doing anymore
- Your diligence in running the family farm
- Your persistence through your grief, whether the loss is recent or now distant
- Your mindfulness in helping your kids find the right path
There are too many others to list. But know that as we sit down to celebrate the blessings in our lives, you are all a meaningful part of that list.
With gratitude,
Your Sound Stewardship team