
Author: Sound Stewardship Team

Welcome to the team, Derek!  August 7, 2015 by Sound Stewardship Team

We are excited to introduce you to Derek Hensley, our new Client Care Specialist. Before joining Sound Stewardship, he worked as a fund accountant at State Street Bank in Kansas City, Missouri. Derek…

What We’re Reading: The One-Page Financial Plan  July 1, 2015 by Sound Stewardship Team

The One-Page Financial Plan by Carl Richards It’s easy to feel confused or paralyzed by your finances, even if you have shelf full of books on finance. If that’s the case for you, our advisors re…

It’s 529 College Savings Day  May 29, 2015 by Sound Stewardship Team

“So your kid can tweet ‘#blessed’” – Number 70 of 529 Reasons to Open a 529 Plan. This pretty much sums up my feelings toward the 529 plan my parents created for me 18 years ago. Granted, I…

3 Important Staff Updates  January 8, 2015 by Sound Stewardship Team

“MOVIN’ UP, MOVIN’ IN & MOVIN’ OUT!” Congratulations are due for Joel Reimer who recently passed his CFP® exam! Most people think all financial planners are “certified,” but thi…

High School: Scholarships vs. Grants (3/6)  September 25, 2014 by Sound Stewardship Team

Throughout our schooling we were always told that any transgression would go on our “permanent record,” and of our studies we’d think, “Why do I need to know this? I’ll never need this in th…