
Is Generosity the Secret to Wealth?  January 30, 2018 by Jonathan Harrison, CFP®

Do generous people have more money than others, or is generosity actually the path to financial health? This question intrigued me as I prepared for a recent presentation to the Financial Therapy A…

Five Questions You Should be Asking About the New Tax Plan  January 19, 2018 by Matt Syverson, CFP®

The new “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017” was signed into law on December 22, just as many of us were preparing to gather with family to celebrate Christmas. Ever since its passage, the law has cont…

One Investment Certainty for 2018  January 17, 2018 by Jonathan Harrison, CFP®

How will the stock market do this year? This is a question that we’re asked nearly every week. And it’s one we at Sound Stewardship refuse to answer. We won’t give a professional opinion or e…

How can you tell if you’re a workaholic?  December 21, 2017 by Jonathan Harrison, CFP®

In our culture, being committed to your career is a badge of honor. And I agree that hard work is a virtue and diligence is commendable. We are each called to be good stewards of the talents we have r…

Cultivating the art of contentment  December 20, 2017 by Jonathan Harrison, CFP®

Contentment is not a superpower; it’s an art. Anyone and everyone has the ability to learn contentment. But the art must be cultivated. As an art form, contentment is less like watercolors than …